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Le personnel de GEO Morphix a développé et participé à de nombreux programmes de recherche rigoureux et entretient des liens avec plusieurs institutions universitaires.

Nos intérêts de recherche portent sur les fondamentaux du transport sédimentaire, l’évolution de la forme du lit de rivière et des chenaux, la turbulence et l’hydrodynamique, le développement de techniques innovantes de sédimentologie et de mesure écologique sur le terrain, les impacts urbains sur les rivières, l’habitat d’hivernage et les avantages des systèmes fluviaux restaurés.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste partielle de nos contributions sous forme de publications évaluées, de présentations et d'affiches. Les noms des collaborateurs participants sont présentés en gras.


Smith, K., Cockburn, J. M. H., and Villard, P. V. (2023). The effect of ice cover on velocity and shear stress in a riffle-pool sequence. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Smith, K., Cockburn, J. M. H., and Villard, P. V. (2023). Rivers under ice: Evaluating Simulated Morphodynamics through a Riffle-Pool Sequence. Water, 15(8), 1604.


Macgillivray, K., Greenwood, W., Paterson, A., Watmough, S., Williams, A., Eimers, C. (2022). Complex patterns of phosphorus delivery in the Lake of the Woods watershed. Journal of Great Lakes Research.


Padovan, P., Cockburn, J., Villard, P. (2022). Faster than an urban stream: Evaluating morphodynamics in urban channel reaches that have undergone form-based channel enhancement. Geomorphology.

Cockburn, J., Scott, A., Villard, P. (2022). Evaluating Water and Carbon Retention in a Low-Order, Designed River Corridor. Land, 11(12), 2256.


Prince, A., Franssen, J., Lapierre, J. F., & Maranger, R. (2020). High-resolution broad-scale mapping of soil parent material using object-based image analysis (OBIA) of LiDAR elevation data. Catena, 188, 104422.


Tremblay, C. C., Botrel, M., Lapierre, J. F., Franssen, J., & Maranger, R. (2020). Relative influence of watershed and geomorphic features on nutrient and carbon fluxes in a pristine and moderately urbanized stream. Science of The Total Environment, 715, 136411.


Chiasson‐Poirier, G., Franssen, J., Lafrenière, M. J., Fortier, D., & Lamoureux, S. F. (2020). Seasonal evolution of active layer thaw depth and hillslope‐stream connectivity in a permafrost watershed. Water Resources Research, 56(1), e2019WR025828.


Arsenault, J., Talbot, J., Moore, T. R., Beauvais, M. P., Franssen, J., & Roulet, N. T. (2019). The spatial heterogeneity of vegetation, hydrology and water chemistry in a peatland with open-water pools. Ecosystems, 22(6), 1352-1367.


Bolduc, C., Lamoureux, S. F., & Franssen, J. (2018). Thermal and isotopic evidence for surface and subsurface water contributions to baseflow in a high Arctic river. Hydrological Processes, 32(5), 602-616.


Dugdale, S. J., Franssen, J., Corey, E., Bergeron, N. E., Lapointe, M., & Cunjak, R. A. (2016). Main stem movement of A tlantic salmon parr in response to high river temperature. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 25(3), 429-445


Chiasson-Poirier, G., Franssen, J., Fortier, D., Prince, A., Tremblay, T., Lafrenière, M., ... & Lamoureux, S. (2016). Methodological approach to characterize flow paths and water sources during the active-layer thaw period, Niaqunguk River watershed, Iqaluit, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Summary of Activities 2016.


Davis, L., Cockburn, J., Villard, P. (2016). Deploying action cameras to observe fish in shallow, ice-covered streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology.


Cockburn, J., Villard, P.V., Hutton, C. (2016). Addressing instream habitat suitability and hydraulic signatures of geometric units in reconstructed single thread meandering channels. Ecohydology, ECO-15-123.R1


Molder, B., Cockburn, J., Berg, A., Lindsay, J., & Woodrow, K. (2015). Sediment-assisted nutrient transfer from a small, no-till, tile drained watershed in Southwestern Ontario. Agricultural Water Management, 152, 31- 40, doi: doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.12.010. 


Franssen, J., Lapointe, M., & Magnan, P. (2014). Geomorphic controls on fine sediment reinfiltration into salmonid spawning gravels and the implications for spawning habitat rehabilitation. Geomorphology, 211, 11-21.


Franssen, J., Pepino, M., Lapointe, M., & Magnan, P. (2013). Alternative tactics in spawning site selection by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) related to incubation microhabitats in a harsh winter environment. Freshwater Biology, 58(1), 142-158.


Franssen, J., Blais, C., Lapointe, M., Bérubé, F., Bergeron, N., & Magnan, P. (2012). Asphyxiation and entombment mechanisms in fines rich spawning substrates: experimental evidence with brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) embryos. Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 69(3), 587-599.


Pépino, M., Franssen, J., Rodríguez, M. A., & Magnan, P. (2012). Impacts of highway construction on redd counts of stream-dwelling brook trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 32(6), 1167-1174.


Kostaschuk, R.A., Best, J.L., Villard, P.V. (2010). The influence of dunes on mixing in a migrating salt-wedge: Fraser River estuary, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Special Issue Paper, 14


Villard, P.V. and Church, M. (2005). Bar and dune development in Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada. Sedimentology, 52:737-756


Best, J.L., Kostaschuk, R.A., Peakall, J., Villard, P.V. and Franklin, M. (2005). Whole flow field dynamics and velocity pulsing within natural sediment-laden density underflows. Geology. 33 (10): 705-768


Kostaschuk, R. A., Best, J., Villard, P.V., Peakall, J., and Franklin, M. (2005). Measuring velocity and sediment transport with an acoustic Doppler profiler. Geomorphology, 68: 25-37


Rennie, C. D., and P. V. Villard (2004). Site specificity of bed load measurement using an acoustic Doppler current profiler, J. Geophys. Res., 109, F03003, doi:10.1029/2003JF000106.


Kostaschuk, R. A., Villard, P.V. and Best, J. L. (2004). Measuring and modeling shear stress in an estuarine dune field – Technical Note. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 130(9): 932-936


Villard, P.V. and Church, M. (2003). Bedform characteristics and bed material-load in a tidally-influenced sand-bed channel: Fraser River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 40: 1-16.


Villard, P.V. and Osborne, P. D. (2002). Visualization of wave-induced suspension patterns over two-dimensional bedforms. Sedimentology, 49:363-378.


Villard, P.V., Osborne, P. D. and Vincent, C. E. (2000). Influence of wave groups on SSC patterns over vortex ripples. Continental Shelf Research, 20: 2391-2410.


Villard, P. and Kostaschuk, R. (1998). The relation between shear velocity and suspended sediment concentration: Fraser River, Canada. Marine Geology, 148:71-81.


Kostaschuk, R. and Villard, P. (1996). Flow and sediment transport over large subaqueous dunes: Fraser River, Canada. Sedimentology, 43:849-863.


Franssen, J., and Villard, P.V. (2022). Providing greater variability, degrees of freedom, retention, and detention for Resilience in restored stream corridors. CRC Press / Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group. Proceedings of River Flow 202, November 8 – 10, 2022, Kingston and Ottawa, Canada


Villard, P.V. and Franssen, J. (2022). Designing channel corridors to improve hydroecological conditions in suburban areas. CRC Press / Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group. Proceedings of River Flow 202, November 8 – 10, 2022, Kingston and Ottawa, Canada


Villard, P.V. and Christie, C. (2009). Sand transport at the delta front of the Fraser River, British Columbia. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2009. Proceedings of the IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, September 21-25, 2009, Santa Fe, Argentina.


Villard. P., Snodgrass, W., and Gyawali. B. (2008). A Simple Model for Predicting Future Channel Planform from Historical Aerial Photographs, Monograph 17. Proceedings of the Stormwater and Urban Water Systems Modeling Conference, February 21-22, 2008, Toronto, Ontario.


Villard, P.V. and R. Ness. (2006). Stormwater Management and Significant Channel Flows Below the Two-year Return. In Intelligent Modeling of Urban Water Systems. Monograph 15. Proceedings of the Stormwater and Urban Water Systems Modeling Conference February 23-24, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Villard, P.V., Church, M. A. and Kostaschuk, R.A. (2005). Estimating bed load in sand bedded channels using bottom tracking from an acoustic Doppler profiler. Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists. 35, 107-209.


Best, J. L., Kostaschuk, R. and Villard, P. V. (2001). Visualization of flow fields associated with sand dunes: results from the laboratory and field. Special Publication of the Journal of Visualization, 4(4): 305-396.


Kostaschuk R. and Villard, P. (1999). Turbulent sand suspension over dunes. Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, 28:3-13.


Kostaschuk, R. and Villard, P. (1996). Turbulent sand suspension events: Fraser River, Canada. Coherent Flow Structures in Open Channels. (eds. P.J. Ashworth, S.J. Bennett, J.L. Best, S.J. 

McLelland), John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Toronto. pp. 305-320.


Ness, R., Roberti, L., and P. Villard. (2006). A Monitoring Program for ‘Natural’ Channel Design Projects in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. 2006 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference Adaptive Management of Water Resources. Missoula, Montana. June 26-28, 2006.


Villard, P.V. and R. Ness. (2006). An Assessment of ‘Natural” Channel’ Design Projects in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. 2006 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference Adaptive Management of Water Resources. Missoula, Montana. June 26-28, 2006.


Villard, P.V., Parish, J. D., and Cummings, C. W. (2004). Monitoring of Natural Channel Designs: A First Step to Evaluating Design Success. Third International Conference on Natural Channel Systems, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA from September 27 to 30th, 2004, p 8.


Kostaschuk, R.A., Blair, J., Villard, P.V. and Best, J.L. (2004). Morphological response of subtidal dunes to flow over a semi-diurnal tidal cycle: Fraser River, Canada. In: Hulscher, S.J.M.H. Garlan, T. and Idier, D. (editors), Marine Sandwave and River Dune Dynamics II, International Workshop, April 1-2 2004, University of Twente, The Netherlands, Proceedings, p. 160-166.


Rennie, C.D. and Villard, P.V. (2003). Bedload measurement in both sand and gravel using an aDcp. In 16th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, October 22-24, 2003, Burlington, ON, 10 p.


Villard, P.V. and Parish, J. D. (2003). A Geomorphic-based protocol for assessing stream sensitivity and erosion thresholds: A tool for stormwater management. In 16th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, October 22-24, 2003, Burlington, ON, 10 p.


Rennie, C.D., Millar, R.G. and Villard, P.V. (2001). Laboratory measurements of bedload transport velocity using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. 15th Hydrotechnical Conference CSCE. Victoria, 8 p.


Villard, P.V., Osborne, P. D. and Vincent, C. (1999). Influence of wave groups on SSC and mixing length over ripples in a large scale wave flume. Sediment Dynamics ’99, Long Island, New York.


Villard, P.V., Osborne, P. D, and Vincent, C. (1999). Description of SSC events under wave groups. Proceedings of the 1999 Canadian Coastal Conference, Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association, Guelph. pp. 579-594.


Black, K. P., Osborne, P. D., Green, M. O. and Villard, P.V. (1997). Intra-wave suspended sediment concentrations over bedforms. Pacific Coasts & Ports ‘97, Christchurch. pp. 365-370.


Osborne, P. D., Black, K. P., Villard, P.V. and Douglass, S. (1997). Field measurements of 3-D velocity structure and suspended sediments under locally-generated waves and swell. Pacific Coasts & Ports ‘97, Christchurch. pp. 131-136.


Villard, P. and Kostaschuk, R. (1997). Effect of Bedform Geometry on the Relation Between Shear Velocity and Suspended Sediment Concentration: Fraser River Estuary, Canada. Pacific Coasts & Ports ‘97, Christchurch. pp. 155-160.

Actes de conférence


Sicaud, E., Franssen, J., Dedieu, J. P., & Fortier, D. (2021, April). Clustering analysis for the hydro-geomorphometric characterization of the George River watershed (Nunavik, Canada). In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-206). 

Molder, B. (2019). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for Monitoring and Evaluating Natural Channel Designs. TRIECA. Toronto, Ontario. 

Franssen J, Chiasson-Poirier G, Lafreniere M, Fortier D, and S. Lamoureux.(2019) Seasonal evolution of active-layer thaw depth and streamflow chemistry in a permafrost catchment. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, United States.

Franssen, J., Briggs, M. A., Rosenberry, D. O., & Kurylyk, B. (2019, December). Groundwater Discharge to Surface Waters: Patterns, Processes, and Ecological Implications. In AGU Fall Meeting 2019. AGU. 

Franssen, J., Chiasson-Poirier, G., Lafreniere, M. J., Fortier, D., & Lamoureux, S. F. (2019, December). Seasonal evolution of active-layer thaw depth and streamflow chemistry in a permafrost catchment. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2019, pp. B23I-2535). 


Molder, B. (2018). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for Monitoring and Evaluating Natural Channel Designs. ESCA BC. Toronto, Ontario. 

Prince, A., Franssen, J., Lapierre, J. F., & Maranger, R. (2018, December).


Terrain Analysis and Digital Mapping of Parental Material Using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2018, pp. EP53E-1948). 

Franssen, J., Chiasson-Poirier, G., Lafreniere, M. J., Lamoureux, S. F., Fortier, D., Tremblay, T., & Shirley, J. (2018, December). Source water contributions to summer baseflow in an Arctic watershed. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2018, pp. B31H-2588). 

Dedieu, J. P., Monfette, M., Franssen, J., El Alem, A., Rowell, J. A., Macmillan, G., ... & Gerin-Lajoie, J. (2018, April). Advancing methods for water quality studies of Arctic rivers with remote sensing and ground-based measurements. Case study of the George river basin (Nunavik, Canada). In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 12243). 

Franssen J, Chiasson-Poirier G, Lafreniere M, Lamoureux S, Fortier D, Tremblay T, and J. Shirley. (2018). Source water contributions to summer baseflow in an Arctic watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Washington DC, United States.

Prince A, Franssen J, Lapierre JF, and R. Maranger. (2018). Terrain Analysis and Digital Mapping of Parental Material Using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Washington DC, United States.

Dedieu JP, Monfette M, Franssen J, El-Alem A, Rowell JA, MacMillan G, Snowball H, and J. GerinLajoie J. (2018). Advancing methods for water quality studies of Arctic rivers with remote sensing and ground-based measurements. Case study of the George river basin, Nunavik, Canada. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

Franssen J. (2017). A new approach for modelling the quality of gravel-bed spawning habitats. Annual meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union. Vancouver, Canada.

Padovan, P., Cockburn J. and Villard, P. (2017). Assessing Hydrogeomorphic Adjustment in Urban Hybrid Channel Restoration Projects: Highland Creek, Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2017. Vancouver, British Columbia. 

Monfette M, Dedieu JP, Franssen J, Herrmann TM, Rowell JA, MacMillan G, Gérin-Lajoie J, Hébertn Houle E, Snowball H, and E Lévesque. (2017) Inland water quality and community monitoring by means of optical remote sensing data: application in an arctic river basin, George River, Nunavik, Canada. ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. Quebec City, Canada. 

Gérin-Lajoie J, Snowball H, Hébert-Houle E, MacMillan GA, Townley E, Monfette M, Rowell JA, Lévesque E, Franssen J, Amyot M, Hermann TM, and JP Dedieu. (2017). Academic and community perspectives in a collaborative environmental monitoring program in the George River Watershed, Nunavik, Canada. ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Quebec City, Canada.

Prince A, Franssen J, and JF Lapierre. (2017). Modelling of depth to bedrock and soil composition attributes at the catchment scale. Annual meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union. Vancouver, Canada. 

Chiasson-Poirier G, Franssen J, Fortier D, Tremblay T, Lafrenière M, Shirley J, and S. Lamoureux. (2017). Hydrogeomorphic factors controlling the routing of surface and shallow groundwater flows in permafrost environments. Annual meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union. Vancouver, Canada.

Chiasson-Poirier G, Franssen J, Legendre P, Lafrenière M, Lamoureux S, Fortier D, and A. Prince. (2017). Linking dominant physical controls on subsurface flow patterns with spatial extent of hydrological connectivity during thaw period, Niaqunguk River, Iqaluit, Nunavut. ArcticChange / ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. Quebec City, Canada.

Dedieu JP, Monfette M, Franssen J, Herrmann TM, Rowell JA, Leveque E, and J. Gerin-Lajoie J. (2017). Advances in remote sensing of inland water quality and vegetation dynamics by means of Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8 data. Application in an Arctic river basin (Nunavik, Canada). Earth Observation Summit. Montreal, Canada.


Villard, P.V., (2016). Assessing habitat suitability and hydraulic signatures of geomorphological units in restored channels. TRIECA. Toronto, Ontario.


Davis, L., Cockburn, J., Villard, P.V. (2016). Integrating overwinter habitat into stream restoration projects employing natural channel design. 5th International Conference on Natural Channel Design, Niagara Falls, Ontario. 26-27 Sept, 2016.


Padovan, P., Cockburn, J., Villard, P.V. (2016). Hydrogeomorphic adjustments in urban channel restoration projects: Highland Creek, Toronto, Ontario. 5th International Conference on Natural Channel Design, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 26-27 Sept, 2016.

Pouliot LG, Franssen J, Chiasson-Poirier G, Tremblay T, Lamoureux S, and M. Lafrenière. (2016). Geomorphic controls on the spatial distribution of subsurface flow contributions to surface waters in the Niaqunnguut (Apex) River watershed, Iqaluit, NU. ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. Winnipeg, Canada. 

Chiasson-Poirier G, Franssen J, Fortier D, Tremblay T, Lafrenière M, and S. Lamoureux. (2016). Flow paths and water sources during the thaw period of a hillslope underlain by permafrost, Apex River watershed, Iqaluit, NU. ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. Winnepeg, Canada.


Villard, P.V., Fluvial system concepts and their application in Greenfield stream corridor realignment. (2015). TRIECA. Toronto, Ontario.

Chiasson-Poirier G, Franssen J, Tremblay T, Lafreniere M, and S. Lamoureux. (2015). Identification and characterization of physical controls on subsurface flows during baseflow recession in a small arctic river. ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.

Franssen J, Lapointe M, and P. Magnan. (2015). Physical controls on fine-sediment infiltration into gravel beds. AGU Joint Assembly. Montreal, Canada.

Bolduc C, Franssen J, and S. Lamoureux. (2014). Thermal dynamics of a high arctic river. ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. 

Franssen J. (2014.) Using temperature as a tracer in river science. Departmental Seminar Series - Department of Geography, Queen's University. Kingston, Canada.


Cockburn, J. & Villard, P.V. (2013-2014). Urban watersheds as opportunities for Geography students to study critical physical geography. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, St. Catharines, Canada- Ontario.

Hutton, C., Cockburn, J., & Villard, P.V. (2013-2014). Sub-reach habitat conditions within a recent natural channel design. CGU Hydrology and Biogeosciences Section Eastern Student Conference, Toronto, Canada- Ontario.


Molder, B., Cockburn, J., Berg, A., Lindsay, J., & Woodrow, K. (2013-2014). Sediment and nutrient mobilization from a small agricultural catchment in the Great Lakes area. CGU Hydrology and Biogeosciences Section Eastern Student Conference, Toronto, Canada-Ontario.


Villard, P.V., Rick, E., & Cockburn, J. (2013-2014). Revisiting Installed Channel Corridors Five to Ten Years after Construction with Rapid Assessment Techniques. Southern Ontario Stream Monitoring and Research Team (SOSMART) Spring Meeting, Woodbridge, Canada-Ontario.


Villard, P.V., Hutton, C., & Cockburn, J. (2013-2014). Defining Geomorphic Units and Aquatic Habitat Suitability in Restored and Natural Channels with Detailed Hydraulic Measurements. Southern Ontario Stream Monitoring and Research Team (SOSMART) Spring Meeting, Woodbridge, Canada-Ontario.


Villard, P.V., (2013). Turbidity monitoring: Reducing sediment loading in Redside Dace habitat. TRIECA. Toronto, Ontario.

Franssen J, Pépino M, Lapointe M, and P. Magnan. (2013) Application of the BACI method to assess downstream sediment loading from a large highway construction project in Quebec. Biennial Meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association and Canadian Geomorphological Research Group. Edmonton, Alberta.

Franssen J, Pépino M, Lapointe M, and P. Magnan. (2013). Les leçons tirées du projet d’élargissement de l'axe routier 73/175 et les orientations futures pour évaluer les impacts écologiques des projets de voirie à grande échelle au Québec: Un regard dans le rétroviseur. 16ème colloque annuel du CIRSA. Université Laval, Québec.


Villard, P.V., (2012). Effective Installation of erosion controls and bioengineering. TRIECA. Toronto, Ontario.

Franssen J, Pépino M, Lapointe M, and P. Magnan. (2012). Evidence of alternative tactics in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) spawning site selection related to incubation microhabitats in a harsh winter environment. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota.

Franssen J, Blais C, Lapointe M, Bérubé F, Bergeron N, and P. Magnan. (2012). Asphyxiation and entombment mechanisms in fines rich spawning substrates: Experimental evidence with brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) embryos. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. Louisville, Kentucky.  


Tabata, K.  (2012).  Floodplain Architecture for a Naturalized Channel: Thoughts on Reconstructing Floodplains to Enhance the Function of Restored Watercourses, Stream Restoration Design Symposium, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington.  January 31 – February 3, 2012.


Khan, I.K. and Villard, P.V. (2011). Assessing fish passage in restored urban watercourses. Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium (PRRSUM), Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. 27 Feb, 2011.


Tabata, K. K., Villard, P.V. and Fernandes S. (2010). Initial Water Quality Monitoring Results for a Bioswale Corridor. 4th International Conference on Natural Channel Systems, Mississauga, Ontario, September 27-28, 2010.


Khan, I.K., Villard, P.V., and Tabata, K.K. (2010). Fish passage restoration designs in urban stream channel systems. 4th International Conference on Natural Channel Systems, Mississauga, Ontario. September 27-28, 2010.


Khan, I.K.; and Villard, P.V. (2010). Fish passage restoration in a constrained urban corridor. 17th Annual Conference on the Great Lakes /St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, Cornwall, Ontario. May 5-6, 2010.


Tabata, K.K. and Villard, P.V. (2010). Naturalization and Post-Construction Evaluation of a Tributary of Stouffville Creek, Ontario. River Restoration Northwest Symposium, Stevenson, WA, Nov 2-5, 2010.


Khan, I.K., Villard, P.V., Tabata, K.K. and Snodgrass W. (2010). Fish Passage Restoration in a Constrained Urban Corridor, 17th Annual Conference on the Great Lakes /St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, May 5, 2010.


Nodwell, J. and Villard, P.V. (2010). Relating Bankfull-Channel Geometry to Drainage Area for Watercourses within the Credit River Watershed. 17th Annual Conference on the Great Lakes /St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, Cornwall, Ontario.


Doucette J.S., Villard, P.V., and Thomas, J.S. (2010). The Dynamics of a Barrier Bay Outlet, Rattray Marsh, Mississauga, Lake Ontario. 53rd Annual Conference International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 17-21, 2010.


Villard, P.V., (2009). Stream Corridor Lowering for Servicing: Considerations and Approaches to Natural Channel Design in Southern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Geophysical Union 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, May 24-27, 2009.


Tabata, K.; Villard, P.; Doucette, J.; and Sullivan, G. (2009). An initial evaluation of habitat enhancement structures in Byersville Creek, Peterbourough, Ontario. 105th Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, May 7-9, 2009. Kelowna, British Columbia.


Villard, P.; Sacilotto, P.; and Kan, L. (2009). Realignment and naturalization of West Etobicoke Creek in Mississauga, Ontario. 105th Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, May 7-9, 2009. Kelowna, British Columbia.


Villard, P., Haslett, J., Ness R., Wright, B., and Tabata, K. (2008). An Assessment of Natural Channel Designs within the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. AFS, 138th Annual Meeting, August 17-21, 2008


Haslett, J., Villard, P. (2008). The Importance of Scale and Resolution of Field Data Collection for Fish Habitat Management in the Land-Use Planning Process. AFS. 138th Annual Meeting, August 17-21, 2008.


Villard, P., Haslett, J., and Ness R. (2007). Baseflow and Fish Passage within the Watersheds of the Greater Toronto Area. 14th Annual International Conference on the St. Lawrence River / Great Lakes Ecosystem, Making the Connection: Tributaries And Wetlands May 15-17, 2007, St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cornwall, Ontario.


Villard, P.V., Snodgrass, W., and Tabata, K.K. (2007). Hydraulics, Sediment Transport and Channel Adjustment during a Large Storm Event: Assessment and Restoration of the Bendale Branch of West Highland Creek at Ellesmere Road in Toronto after the 2005 August 19th Storm. Canadian Quaternary Association Conference, June 4-8, 2007. Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Kostaschuk R.A., Villard P.V., and Best, J.L. (2006). Influence of Bedforms on the Stability of a Migrating Salt-Wedge. International Conference on Deltas (Borneo Venue): Depositional Systems and Stratigraphic Development, January 13-18, 2006 Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei.


Villard, P.V. and B. Wright. (2006). Stream Corridor Realignment of Headwater Streams: Implications for Source Water Protection. Poster presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on the St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, May 17, 2006, Cornwall, Ontario.


Villard, P.V. (2005). Baseflow to Bankfull: Integrating Channel Flows Below the Two-Year Return into Watershed Management. 12th Annual International Conference on the St. Lawrence River / Great Lakes Ecosystem, Source Water Protection, May 16-18th, 2005, St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cornwall, Ontario.


Villard, P.V. and Parish, J.D. (2004). Design and Construction of Riffles in Re-naturalized Channels: Methods to Increase Channel Stability and Mimic Natural Form and Function. Third International Conference on Natural Channel Systems, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from September 27 to 30, 2004.


Cummings, C.W. and Villard, P.V. (2004). A Deformable, Vegetated Gravity Structure for Bank Restoration in Bedrock Dominated Channels. Third International Conference on Natural Channel Systems, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from September 27 to 30th, 2004.



Villard, P.V., Parish, J. D., Snodgrass, W., (2004). Identifying Systematic Channel Adjustment and Active Processes in Urban Channels: The First Step to Selecting Site-appropriate In-stream Structures. 5th International Symposium on ECOHYDRAULICS, Madrid (Spain), September 12-17, 2004.


Parish, J. D., Villard, P.V., Boyd, D., and Imhof, J., (2004). Fluvial Geomorphological Perspectives in the Determination of Instream Flow Requirement for the Maintenance of Aquatic Habitat. 5th International Symposium on ECOHYDRAULICS, Madrid (Spain), September 12-17, 2004.


Villard, P.V., Parish, J., Wright, J. and Dudley. R. (2003). Regional curves for Maine’s coastal streams: Developing tools to guide Atlantic salmon habitat restoration, American Fisheries Society 133rd Annual Meeting, August 2003, Quebec City, Quebec.


Parish, J. and Villard, P.V. (2003). Bedrock channels within the Greater Toronto Area: a review of long term incision and bank erosion processes. 16th Hydrotechnical Conference – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, October 2003, Burlington, Ontario.


Villard, P.V. and Parish, J. and Wright, J. (2003). Regional curves for Maine’s coastal streams: Developing tools to guide Atlantic salmon habitat restoration. American Fisheries Society 133rd Annual Meeting, August 2003, Quebec City, Quebec.


Best, J., Kostaschuk, R., Peakall, J., and Villard, P. (2002). The fluid dynamics of natural, sediment-laden density currents: first results of whole flow field mapping, Lillooet Lake, British Columbia, Canada. 16th International Sedimentological Congress Abstract Volume.


Villard, P.V. and Christie, C. (2002). Morpho-dynamics of the delta front of the Main Channel of the Fraser River, British Columbia. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.


Villard, P.V. and Church, M. (2002). Bedform characteristics and bed material-load in a tidally-influenced sand-bed channel: Fraser River, British Columbia. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers Western Division. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.


Tabata, K.K. and Hickin, E.J.  (2001). Interchannel hydraulic geometry and hydraulic efficiency of the anastomosing Columbia River, southeastern British Columbia, Canada. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska.  August 6-10, 2001.


Villard, P.V., Church, M. A. and Kostaschuk, R.A. (2001). Estimating bed load in sand bedded channels using bottom tracking from an acoustic Doppler profiler. Fluvial Sedimentology 2001. Nebraska.


Best, J. L., Kostaschuk, R. A. and Villard, P.V. (2000). Visualization of flow fields associated with sand dunes: results from the laboratory and field. 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization. Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 2000.


Douglass, S., Villard, P.V., Osborne, P. D., and Black, K. P. (1997). Sand re-suspension over bedforms of variable steepness Cooks Beach, Coromandel, New Zealand. Integrated Approaches to Marine Science, New Zealand Marine Science Society & Australian Marine Sciences Association, Auckland, July 8-11, 1997.


Kostaschuk, R. and Villard, P. (1997). Turbulent sediment suspending structures over dunes. Proceedings of the 1997 Canadian Coastal Conference, Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association, Guelph, Ontario.


Villard, P. and Osborne, P. D. (1997). Spatial and temporal patterns of SSC over bedforms in a largescale wave research flume. Integrated Approaches to Marine Science, New Zealand Marine Science Society & Australian Marine Sciences Association, Auckland, July 8-11.

Villard, P. and Kostaschuk, R. (1995). Turbulence and sediment suspension over unseparated flow dunes. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal.


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